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Are you Ready to do something that will change the life of a First-Generation Student? ACCESS is a monthly giving program with 100% of every dollar going directly towards quality education and skill training to the first student. As a sustaining member, you are making a difference, every single month.

Our Journey together, Global Impact

  • Become an ACCESS member and support GED’s work around the world. Every dollar contributed is used 100% to give access to higher education.

  • We focus and invest in selected students for higher impact.

  • With Access you can also choose the student you want to support, and we will give you details of their progress as they prepare through the college exams and admission process.

  • With global ACCESS, we can unlock the promise of knowledge and better for millions of First-Generation Students around the world.

Support Us

Donate your contribution

Fund Education

GOAL : 34500 $

RAISED : 0 $


How We Use Your Dollars


We are providing college entrance exam fees and study materials to selected First Generation Student.


We train and support our college entrance exam teachers to ensure that First Generation Students are learning effectively.


We hold an annual Edufest event in rural communities where give Best Student Award to exceptional students.


We help the students navigate available scholarships to equip the resources they need to attend colleges.